Carole Ashbridge, MLS
Carole Ashbridge holds a BA degree in the Classics from Wilson College with a German minor and a Master of Library Science degree from the University of Pittsburgh. She was a school library media specialist for thirty-eight years in elementary and secondary schools and was an adjunct professor in children's’ literature in the graduate school of education for a state university. She also successfully planned and implemented five European trips with her students.
She has been researching her family since 2000 when she took her first workshop in genealogy after wondering who all the people were at an uncle's funeral. Since then she has attended numerous genealogy conferences, programs, and institutes. In 2012 she completed the requirements for basic certificates in methodology and German records at from the National Institute for Genealogical Studies. She is also an alumna of the ProGen 18 Study Group, an 18 month intensive course in genealogical research and methodology.
Carole's business practices are guided by the Board for Certification of Genealogists' Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Association of Professional Genealogists' Code of Ethics.